

In order to maintain safety and security to the girls and women, a cell has been constituted for redressal of grievances. Our women grievance cell stays alert all the time to prevent any sexual abuse towards the students and female workers. If the students face any harassment from the staff or workers, then they can complain at our women grievance cell. The members will look into the issues, gather the evidence, and take the necessary action against the guilty. We also focus on preventing this kind of harassment by using secret monitory services, which keep a keen eye on the entire campus.

HODs or Principal regularly attend to these problems. In addition, there is a Complaint cum Redressal Committee, which resolves the grievances of the students on the campus. This cell is meant for maintaining the records of grievances, actions taken thereon and settlement of grievances. The cell is headed by the Principal, consisting of administrative officer and six lady faculty members. The grievance box is placed in the girl’s waiting rooms where students have to drop their grievances, if any. The box is opened once in a month and checked. Any grievance found in it is scrutinized and necessary actions are immediately taken by the Cell. In case of emergency, the Principal calls a meeting and addresses the problems immediately. During the last two years the cell is resolving the difficulties of the girl students ‘grievances. It was settled amicably.